
Political Economy

I am interested in the aggregation of preferences, peace, and conflict resolution; and I mostly study these issues using repeated games.

Behavioral Economics

Many of the unsolved questions of Development Economics can be answered by acknowledging that, just like prices and endowments, preferences do change. In order to study these concepts, I mostly use RCTs.

Sci-Fi Economics

On my spare time (and due to low funding), I like to answer questions that are not relevant right now, but might become relevant in the future.


Caro-Burnett, J. (2022). "Optimal Voting Rules in International Organizations, with an Application to the United Nations." Journal of Public Economic Theory. Volume 24, Issue 6. Working Paper Version.

Caro-Burnett, J., and Kaneko, S. (2022). "Is Society Ready for AI Ethical Decision Making? Lessons from a Study on Autonomous Cars." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Volume 98, 101881. Working Paper Version.

Khan, G. D., Yoshida, Y., Katayanagi, M., Hotak, N., & Caro-Burnett, J. (2021). " Mining-induced displacement and resettlement in Afghanistan's Aynak mining community: Exploring the right to fair compensation." Resources Policy, 74, 102285.

Bilotkach, V., Caro-Burnett, J., Khan, G. D., Sembiring, B. L., and Yoshida, Y. (2021). "Measuring the impact of ASEAN Open Skies on international air traffic movements from and to Southeast Asian Cities." Transport Policy, 110, 368-378. International Journal of Industrial Organization. Volume 29, Issue 5.

Caro-Burnett, J. and Vinicius C. (2011). "Coordination and the provision of incentives to a common regulated firm." International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(5), 606-627.

Political Economy

Working Papers

"UN Security Council Elections as an Incentive for Compliance", with Eric Weese.

"The Political Business Cycle for Climate Legislation", with Eric Weese.

"Assessing ‘Not in my Backyard’ Environmental Policies: Is Carbon Leakage Worse than we Thought?", with Luis E. Gonzales-Carrasco.

"Four Elections and a Pandemic" [comming soon], with Luis E. Gonzales-Carrasco (CLAPES) and José Acuña-Carrasco.

"Vote Buying under Secret Ballot" [comming soon].

Behavioral Economics

Working Papers

"Is Habit a Powerful Policy Instrument to Induce Prosocial Behavioral Change?" with Judith Chevalier and A. Mushfiq Mobarak.

"Reverse Inter-Generational Information Transmission:A Study of Hand Sanitizer Gel in Cambodia" with Aina Kajisawa and Shinji Kaneko. (Older version)

"A Laugh and a Burst of Kindness: The Impact of Comedy on Altruistic Behavior in Rural Nepal" with Yuzaburo Era, Chui Y. Lee and Shinji Kaneko.

Projects in Progress

-Untitled project on the Aymara culture and intertemporal decision making.

Sci-Fi Economics

Working Papers

Caro-Burnett, J., and Kaneko, S. (2022). " Is Society Ready for AI Ethical Decision Making? Lessons from a Study on Autonomous Cars." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Forthcoming). Discussion Paper Version.

Projects in Progress

-Untitled project on international trade and physics, with Pedro Franco de Campos Pinto.

Other Topics

Working Papers

"The Impact of Wildfire Pollution on Childbirth: Evidence from the 2006 Forest Fire in Indonesia", with Shinji Kaneko and Gonang M. Perdananugraha.